Beginner Photography and Photo Editing Classes in Fort Collins


SKU: plel


In this 2 hour session I’ll teach you how to use basic camera settings and what effect each one exerts on the look of the photo. We’ll spend time shooting photos and then reviewing them in Lightroom to observe how changing the settings affects your photos. I’ll also help you understand how to select your next pieces of gear for the type of photography you aspire to. This workshop teaches you how to use the knobs and dials on your Interchangeable Lens Camera. We’ll take a local walk to put your camera through it’s paces then review/edit images at a coffee shop or your home. This is a local workshop in the Ft. Collins area. You can also check to see if I may be traveling through your area, or take this workshop as a primer on-site if you’re attending one of my group workshops.

Additional information

What kind of Lesson?

Photography/Camera Settings, Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop

# of Lessons

Single Lesson, 3 Pack, 7 Pack, 10 Pack